The Light Gas Synchronised Flyers
These determined dragons love nothing better than order, precision and flying at breakneck speed.
Flying in formation with military precision is their speciality of choice, and they have wowed audiences all over the Disc with their displays.
A114 - Stu
A115 - Sue
A131 - Reprobate 1
A134 - Lousie Garlick
A136 - Reprobate 2
A163 - Tiana
A164 - Mr. Bianco
A178 - Cedonia Trevils
A179 - Singed sweeper
A191 - Belafon
A194 - Dark Clerk
A198 - Not sure yet...
A199 - Wifeywifeywifey
A202 - Tanina Al-Naar
A203 - Richter Eisdrache
A225 - Dora Belle
A230 - Felicity Beedle
A231 - Mabel Peavey